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Wellbeing is integral to learning excellence and ultimately to overall health and life success.


Create a safe and supportive learning environment


Engage students to learning


Develop social and emotional skills


Support students in developing meaningful relationships


Develop their resilience and problem solving skills to become responsible members of our local and global communities

Child Safety

The moral focus embedded in Catholic school culture is to uphold the dignity of each person and to strive for the full flourishing of each student.

“Every person involved in Catholic education has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make” (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria).

At Our Lady’s we have established and are continually improving the culture of child safety throughout all levels of our school.

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is an approach to disipline that requires students to reflect on their behaviour, acknowledge the effect their behaviour has on others and to repair relationships.

The principle behind this approach is that human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, when those in positions of authority do things ‘with them’ or ‘ for them’.

These are some questions that help support children when they do not make the right choices so they are listened to, understand the other person involved and think about their future actions to improve their responses.

Our School Expectations

At Our Lady’s we follow these expectations as we believe that all members of our school community: students, staff and families must feel and act SAFE, be responsible and be respectful to each other.

Further to this, our school has developed a matrix of expectations that outline the expectations in each of our areas of the school.




Social and Emotional Learning

Each week as part of our curriculum we have an SEL hour based on the five Social and Emotional Learning competencies

Better Buddies Program

Better Buddies is an Alannah and Madeline Foundation initiative which, as part of Our Lady’s Primary school’s Wellbeing Program, fosters a caring and friendly environment in the school and aims to bulid friendships among students and reduce bullying.

The program particularly aims to support Prep students’ transition into school life during their first year of primary school. The Year 6 children are linked to a Prep child with whom they work and play together. It is a great way for Prep children to be supported, develop interpersonal skills and make positive connections. For the year 6 children, it is an opportunity to gain responsibility and develop leadership skills.